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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 90 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 15.00%

    I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably assign, grant and release to MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP its agents, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, assigns and licensees the following:

    a. The perpetual right to record by any means or otherwise utilize my name, voice, likeness, image, performance, participation, expressions on film or video, attributes of my personality, biographical material and/or any activities in connection with the production of any media content in any format.

    b. All rights of every nature whatsoever in and to all said photography, photographs, recordings on videotape, voice-over, film, or otherwise and/or other materials produced hereunder in connection with any media content in any format (all of which are hereinafter referred to collectively herein as "Material" and shall be considered "works made for hire", including without limitation, all copyrights therein and renewals and extensions of such copyrights, and the exclusive right to reproduce, exhibit, distribute, advertise and/or otherwise exploit the Material, in whole or in part, in all media and by all means and methods now known or unknown, and in any and all languages, including without limitation, in and in connection with all or any part of the "Material" throughout the universe, in perpetuity and the advertising, promotion and/or other exploitation thereof, including but not limited to, all theatrical, television, home video, internet, IMAX or other large format films, live web streaming, stage and other productions, sequels, prequels, remakes, and other versions, publication, merchandising, commercial tie-ins, CD-ROMs, video games, and soundtrack, throughout the universe, in perpetuity. I expressly acknowledge that Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. have no obligation to use the Material in or in connection with the "Material" or otherwise and further acknowledge that Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. may delete or edit or change or rearrange all or any of the Material.

    c. In addition to the use of my name , voice, likeness, image, performance, participation, expressions on film or video, attributes of my personality, biographical material and/or any activities in connection with the "Material", the right to use my name, voice, likeness, image, performance, participation, expressions on film or video, attributes of my personality, biographical material and/or any activities in connection with the "Material", the exercise of any of the rights referred to above.

    2. I unconditionally release and quit claims unto Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp, its agents, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees and assigns, and the officers, directors, shareholders, employees and representatives of each of you and them (jointly and severally, the "Releasees"), from and covenant not to sue the Releasees for any claim or cause of action, whether now known or unknown, for liable, slander, invasion of the right of privacy, publicity or personality, or any other claim or cause of action, based upon or relating to the exercise of any of the rights granted hereunder. To the fullest extent allowable under any applicable law, I expressly waive and assign to MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP. any and all rights which I may have, either in law, in equity, or otherwise, or which I may claim to have as a result of any alleged infringement of the so-called "moral rights of authors" with respect to the use of the Material in and in connection with the "Material".

    I hereby agree to and do hereby indemnify and hold harmless MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP. and each of the other Releasees from and against any claim, action, proceeding, and/or demand brought, maintained, prosecuted, made, or authorized by or through me and from and against any and all loss, cost, liability, judgment, damage and/or expense incurred by Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. and any other Releasee(s) in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees.

    3. I acknowledge that I have been informed that the Picture is not subject to agreements with any union or labor organization involved in the performing arts including but not limited to AFTRA and SAG. I represent that I am at least twenty one (21) years of age. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP. and its agents, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, licensees, and/or assigns in connection with any representation or agreement made by me under this agreement.

    4. This release and consent is irrevocable and applies equally to each use of the Material and is made not only for the benefit of MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP. and each of the other Releasees but also for the benefit of any other person, firm or corporation to whom MISS CIRE COSMETICS, CORP. or any other Releasee(s) may sell, assign and/or license any or all of the rights, privileges, powers and/or immunities herein granted. I realize that in taking and/or utilizing photography, photographs, and recordings on videotape, voice-over, film, or otherwise and/or other materials of me produced hereunder in connection and /or in the preparation and production of the "Picture", which is at substantial cost to Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp is relying upon the rights granted to Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. under this agreement.

    5. Miss Cire Cosmetics, Corp. may assign or transfer this agreement and all or any part of its rights under this agreement to any person(s), firm(s) or corporation(s) without limitation.

    6. In no event shall I be entitled to terminate this agreement or any of the rights granted hereunder, or to interfere with, restrain, enjoin or otherwise impair the production, exhibition, distribution, other exploitation, or any other use of the "Picture" or any rights in connection therewith, or the use of photography, photographs, and recordings on videotape, voice-over, film, or otherwise and/or, other materials produced hereunder, and my sole remedy in any and all cases, including, without limitation, a breach of this agreement, shall be an action at law for damages, if any. This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the personal jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of Florida, and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of said State.